Hi, I'm Sven.

French software engineer, fascinated by JavaScript engines and apparently trains.

OSS enthusiast; working on JavaScript, Babel, webpack, WebAssembly and some bits of Rust.

My projects

WebAssembly coredump

Generating, parsing, debugging WebAssembly coredump.


Toolchain for WebAssembly


Render async Stateless Functional Components in React


The Fibonacci sequence using Forth language with only two words


The new way for emails. Email routing service.


Compose filter functions


Rollup/Browserify as a service


Your next contribution starts here. Help open-source projects one issue at a time.


Char codes constants and AOT transform (used in Babel).

See more on GitHub: github.com/xtuc.

Contributed to


Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript


A bundler for javascript and friends.



Wildebeest is an ActivityPub and Mastodon-compatible server

Email Routing

Easily create addresses and route emails for free


An open-source project that accelerates websites by delivering popular JavaScript libraries and resources via Cloudflare’s network

Cloudflare Images

Images is a single product that stores, resizes, optimizes and serves images


Our first SQL database

Workers AI

serverless GPU-powered inference on Cloudflare’s global network

Wasm core dumps

Wasm core dumps and debugging Rust in Cloudflare Workers

See more on Cloudflare's blog: blog.cloudflare.com/author/sven.


Byte Arena

Digital Playground for Intelligent Agents.


Interface and tooling for running on KVM


Monitor container healthchecks

See more on GitHub: github.com/ByteArena.

Random thoughts

  1. Lambda Calculus - Functional condition
  2. The pipeline operator is already available in JavaScript
  3. Disassemble a Go binary
  4. Safe JavaScript interop in Reasonml
  5. A side-effect free Haskell program?
  6. Use a configuration directory with Babel
  7. Create a simple type checker
  8. How does a string comparison actually work?
  9. Integer to string conversion
  10. Movement physics with vectors
  11. ES2015 Const Declarations in Babel
  12. Monadic logging
  13. Your own refactoring tool!
  14. How does file type detection work?
  15. What will bundling WebAssembly look like for C?
  16. Writing WebAssembly by hand with Webpack
  17. JavaScript's BigInt in WebAssembly!
  18. Test if a WebAssembly feature is supported
  19. How I reduced the amount of spam sent to me
  20. SNI support in SMTP
  21. Mailway update - November 2021
  22. Speed of light in Fibers
  23. Mailway update - November 2022

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Reach out

Drop me a line: [email protected].

Ping me on Twitter: @svensauleau.